The manual you hoped would come in the box

The Expressive Camera Series
by Shutterbug Training

Learn Photography at Your Pace

Learn Photography
at Your Pace

The Companion to Beginner Photography ONE

The Companion to Beginner Photography ONE

Bring the study home with CAMERA | MANUAL, the no-nonsense guide to learning photography. Distilled from over a decade of hands-on instruction at Shutterbug Training, this book is more than just another photography how-to rehash—it’s your passport to mastering the method of using a digital camera for more impressive pictures.

This comprehensive guide is the source and companion to the ever-popular Beginner Photography ONE class. From the start, it provides crystal-clear explanations of complex topics paired with impactful assignments and a gallery of over 160 vivid color and monochrome photographs. Every page and lesson conveys an unwavering commitment to transforming beginners into skilled photographers, whatever their creative vision.

Instantly download 186 pages of awesomeness
Skill level: Beginner to Intermediate

View Sample Pages

A No-Nonsense Guide

Distilled from over a decade of hands-on instruction

There are many “complete” resources and guides for learning photography, but such references tend to be a mile wide and only an inch deep, as the saying goes. Although comprehensive, they summarize features and functions without providing a practical understanding of how a camera works, which is paramount to capturing compelling photographs.

This book dives straight into camera operation and gets you on the road to capturing beautiful images in Manual and Priority exposure modes. The website’s Resources section provides many fundamental topics that congest most beginner photography books and classes—for free, leaving room for more detailed explanations and example photos to illustrate the topics.

Many people are initially intimidated by cameras. But with time, practice, and patience, anyone can learn how to use that mysterious gadget, regardless of how far out of reach you think it is. Learning photography isn’t easy; it isn’t difficult either. Let this ebook properly guide you in your experiences with a camera.

Try It Out for 30 Days


Get Full Credit Toward Class

Get Full Credit
Toward Class

Zero Risk and 100% Reward

Although the material is written in plain English and tries to avoid as much technical jargon as possible, some learn better when a knowledgeable and approachable instructor is present to guide them. Anyone fortunate enough to live in central Ohio and surrounding areas can endeavor to learn on their own with the PDF ebook alone. But if that proves more challenging than anticipated and you want to attend a class, you will receive a FULL CREDIT toward the cost of Beginner Photography ONE.

Now, there’s no reason to delay your photography adventures any longer. Instantly download the manual you hoped would come in the box and begin the journey toward taking better photos with your camera. Invest in yourself and learn a skill you can use and enjoy for the rest of your life.

Try It Out for 30 Days


Kudos to Danielle

Surprisingly, the furthest person who has driven to attend a class and join the outing was from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was shocked to learn this in the second session but was reassured by the student that her “drive was more than worth it.” Whew!

Here’s what she said in her Google review:

“I was gifted this course for Christmas, and it has been one of the best presents I’ve ever received. This course was GREAT, and I feel much more confident about my work. The pure passion exhibited by Braddley made the class all the more fun. He loves photography, and you can tell he genuinely loves teaching others. I learned so much and thoroughly enjoyed all of the classes, as well as the practice outing. I live several hours from Columbus, and my drive was more than worth it! I’m looking forward to taking Beginner Photography TWO!”



Shutterbug is expanding beyond central Ohio and is looking for instructors. You don’t have to be a professional photographer or educator, but you must know your way around a camera and be personable. Sound interesting? Learn more about teaching.